Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Matthew has first encounter with “traditional” Chinese medicine…

May 13th, 2009

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The precautions against swine flu kept us all on the plane for a few extra minutes while the health authorities came and took our temperatures… we tried to think cooling thoughts so as not to spend our two weeks in quarantine.  Even though unexpected, the flu fear represents another global environmental threat whose influence can’t be stopped by borders.

Other than this, we made it to China uneventfully and are slurping noodles and eating dumplings while we wait for the last leg of our journey. We’re ready to use all our technological toys and powers of observation to learn what we can about environmental challenges, policies and attitudes.

Join the Conversation!

April 30th, 2009

The homepage for this blog will serve as a daily feed for our travels and studies within China.  We look forward to sharing these experiences with the campus community and encourage you all to become active participants in this global learning community.

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